
Treatment Program for Fire & Rescue Personnel Suffering from PTSD

Res #: 48-16A
Number: 48
Year: 2016
Midterm: No
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Health

WHEREAS local government fire and rescue personnel provide essential fire, rescue and vehicle extrication services at motor vehicle collisions and accident scenes on provincial highways; and

WHEREAS these volunteer personnel are continually exposed to traumatic scenes assisting others in life and death situations while often putting their own lives at risk and placing themselves at high risk for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); and

WHEREAS current insurance coverage will not cover the cost of professional therapy for those suffering from PTSD because the cause of PTSD is from continual exposure to traumatic events as opposed to a single event;

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Province of Saskatchewan to put in place a  program that ensures treatment for those local government fire and rescue personnel suffering from PTSD.

View response from the Minister of Health