Rural Crime Watch (RCW) is a community driven, community led, police supported crime prevention and reduction collaborative program. The Rural Crime Watch program in Saskatchewan is a partnership between the Saskatchewan Rural Crime Watch Association (SRCWA) (includes local RCW boards where they exist), the RCMP, and its authorized Protection and Response Team (PRT). The RCMP’s PRT partners include Saskatchewan Conservation Officer Services and Saskatchewan Highway Patrol. RCW members are volunteers who serve as the ‘Eyes and Ears’ of their communities and contact the police to report suspicious persons / vehicles.
How to Start a Rural Crime Watch Group
- Form an Executive committee with a minimum of 6 members which should include a President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- Pick a name that represents your community/area.
- Set up an official group email for communication with other groups/organizations.
- Create a membership form and keep accurate accounting and minutes of your meetings.
- Setup a main group on WhatsApp or any instant messaging application to alert your members instantly of an incident.
- Plan a meeting and promote your group with flyers, door-to-door visits.
- Create Facebook page or use other social media for promoting your group.
- Invite local law enforcement to speak at the launch meeting.
- Contact neighbours. The success of your group is based on number of participants and their commitment and cooperation.
- Contact existing crime watch organizations and groups as they may provide an existing structure for your group.
- Hold regular meetings and activities and provide feedback on stats in your neighbourhood to keep members informed and enthusiastic.
- Promote safety at all times. Report possible crime but members should never put themselves in harm’s way.
Contact the RCMP Detachment in your area to organize a local Rural Crime Watch group today.
Rural Crime Watch Resources:
- SRCWA Membership Registration Letter
- SRCWA Membership Application Form
- Rural Crime Watch Pamphlet
- Citizens on Patrol Pamphlet
- Saskatchewan RCMP Detachment Directory
- Rural Crime Watch Presentation
- Crime Watch Organization Membership Form Template ( Word | PDF )
- In Case of Emergency Form ( Word | PDF )
- RCW Inventory Sheet ( Word | PDF )
- RCW Security Check List
- Tips on Reporting Suspicious/Criminal Activity ( Word | PDF )
- More Tips for Creating a Rural Crime Watch Group
SRCWA Newsletter
Tim Brodt, President, Saskatchewan Rural Crime Watch Association
306.539.9117 or tbrodt@sasktel.net