Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Pest Biosecurity Programs
The federal and provincial governments have committed to invest $3.9 million per year for five years in the Pest Biosecurity Program. SARM delivers this program and administers a network of Plant Health Technical Advisors across the province along with four 50:50 cost-share rebate programs, one each focused on invasive plant control, rat control, gopher control and nuisance beaver control.
The Pest Biosecurity Program, available to RMs and First Nations (FN), south of the Northern Administrative District, is made up of five programs that will provide RMs and FNs with resources when dealing with issues regarding invasive plants, rats, gophers, nuisance beavers, clubroot and other pests as declared/designated under the The Pest Control Act and The Weed Control Act in Saskatchewan.
- Plant Health Network (PHN)
- Beaver Control Program (BCP)
- Gopher Control Program (GCP)
- Invasive Plant Control Program (IPCP)
- Rat Control Program (RCP)