Best Value
Member Purchasing considers multiple factors when negotiating purchasing programs with suppliers to ensure municipalities receive the best possible value for their resources:
- Breadth of the goods or services offered
- Product selection
- Reputation of the supplier
- Warranty
- Ongoing customer support
- Durability of the product
- Cost of ongoing maintenance
- Initial purchase cost
Reduces Risk
When municipalities access suppliers through Member Purchasing’s programs, they can have confidence their purchases are in regulatory compliance.
Reinvests in Rural Saskatchewan
When municipalities make purchases through Member Purchasing, a portion of the sales gets reinvested into programs and services that support rural communities.
Saves Time
When municipalities access goods and services through Member Purchasing’s programs, the complex and time-consuming work of conducting a public sector procurement has already been done.
Provides Advice
Member Purchasing staff are available to discuss municipalities’ purchasing needs and offer education on procurement best practices.
How Can Municipalities Access Member Purchasing Programs?
- Municipalities must post annually their Notice of Planned Procurement on SaskTenders
- To view the goods and services offered, and the available suppliers, go to the Member Purchasing section of the SARM website and find “Group Purchasing Programs.”
- Each program provides specific instructions for accessing the programs offered by a supplier. This is found in the “How it Works” section.
- Additional programs that meet nearly every imaginable need a municipality may have can be found on the Canoe Procurement website: canoeprocurement.ca/programs/
- Always use the supplier contact details that are listed on the SARM and Canoe websites. When speaking with supplier contacts, ask for SARM and Canoe membership pricing.
- For more information about Member Purchasing’s programs and services, please visit sarm.ca/services/member-purchasing or contact the Procurement Advisor, Amanda Kozak (akozak@sarm.ca), for more information.
Learn More
Amanda Kozak, Procurement Advisor
akozak@sarm.ca or 306.761.3722