
Bridge Infrastructure Funding

Res #: 21-24A
Number: 21
Year: 2024
Midterm: No
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Government Relations

WHEREAS the cost of replacing any bridge that meets funding criteria through the current funding programs will likely be over a million dollars.

WHEREAS the current funding caps at $500,000 based on 50% of project cost, leaving the municipal portion to be 50% or more.

WHEREAS other types of municipal infrastructure (ie: wastewater or water) are typically funded with lower municipal cost ratios (such as: 1/3 provincial, 1/3 federal, 1/3 municipal).

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the provincial and federal governments for funding of bridge infrastructure to have similar funding ratios (1/3 provincial, 1/3 federal, 1/3 municipal) that is consistent with other types of municipal infrastructure funding.