Throne Speech Shows Support for Muncipalities
Throne Speech Shows Support for Municipalities Today’s Speech from the Throne gives SARM optimism for the future. “We are pleased that the Provincial Government is committed to addressing the issues of revenue sharing, property tax relief and finding solutions for the a...(Read Article)
SARM Convention a Success
SARM Convention a Success The 2007 SARM Midterm wrapped up today with an address by Premier-elect Brad Wall and the Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food Gerry Ritz. Premier-elect Wall talked about revenue sharing, education tax on property ...(Read Article)
Highlights from Day 1 – 2007 SARM Midterm Convention
Wednesday, November 7 - HighlightsPresident’s Address President Marit reported on the Associations activities. Saskatchewan has been booming however many municipalities have faced school closures. Crop prices have increased but the prospect of a lucrative harvest ...(Read Article)
SARM lobbie federal government
SARM lobbies federal government SARM President Dave Marit, Vice-president Jim Hallick and Director Ray Orb recently returned from a successful lobby trip to Ottawa where they raised rural issues with federal politicians and bureaucrats. One of ...(Read Article)
Highlights from Day 2 – 2007 SARM Midterm Convention
Thursday, November 8 - Highlights SAMA Election Neal Hardy and John Wagner were elected as Rural Representatives to the SAMA board. Communities in Transition Kyle Toffan of Government relations gave an overview of the Communities in Transition program which includes fundi...(Read Article)
CTP – Primary Weight Corridors Launched
PRIMARY WEIGHT CORRIDORS LAUNCHED A significant step has been taken in boosting the economic potential for rural and urban communities through the Clearing the Path (CTP) Primary Weight Corridor network which was announced today by the CTP Transportation Committee, the Saskatchewan Associatio...(Read Article)
SARM Pleased with Emergency Strychnine Registration
For Immediate Release SARM Pleased with Emergency Strychnine Registration SARM is pleased with yesterday’s announcement that the Pesticide Management Regulation Agency (PMRA) has approved Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food’s application for a one-year emergency registration of two...(Read Article)
Disaster Relief for Municipalities
NEWS RELEASE Disaster Relief For MunicipalitiesSARM is please with today’s announcement by the Provincial Government to assist rural municipalities that have suffered from excessive moisture by contributing $2.4 million to help cover the deductible on the Provincial Disaster Assistance P...(Read Article)
SARM reacts to 2007 Cover Crop Protection Program (CCPP)
NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release SARM Reacts to 2007 Cover Crop Protection Program (CCPP) SARM is pleased with today's announcement by the Federal Government to assist flooded producers with a payment of $15 per acre on land too wet to seed. SARM hopes that the province will als...(Read Article)
SARM and SUMA Join Forces to Oppose School Closures
Media Release SARM and SUMA join forces to Oppose School Closures The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) and the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) have joined forces to appeal to the Province to place at least a one-year moratorium on school clo...(Read Article)