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Category: News
SARM Is Pleased With the Plan for the Federal Community Pastures
SARM Is Pleased With the Plan for the Federal Community PasturesOn Friday, Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced the first 10 federal community pastures to be transferred to the province and to patron-controlled operation in 2014. The pastures to be initially transferred inclu...(Read Article)
SARM Applauds Federal Changes to the Navigable Waters Protection Act
SARM applauds the Federal Government for the introduction of amendments to the Navigable Waters Protection Act, which were announced today by the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. The new Navigation Protection Act will clearly list major waterways ...(Read Article)
SARM is Eager to be Part of Province’s Plan for Growth
SARM President David Marit attended the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth announcement made yesterday by Premier Brad Wall. The plan outlines how the province will continue to foster growth by investing in six core activities including infrastructure. "SARM is eager to work with the Province to mo...(Read Article)
SARM Hosts Rural Municipal Elections Reporting Tool
For the second year, SARM is hosting a real-time, online reporting tool for rural municipalities to publically post their election candidates and results for the 2012 Municipal Election, located at Following nomination day, September 19, 2012, rural municipali...(Read Article)
SARM Midterm Convention – November 14 & 15
The 2012 SARM Midterm Convention will be held on November 14 and 15 at the TCU Place in Saskatoon. The convention agenda will touch on several topics of interest including Rural Health Care, Rail level of service, STARS Helicopters and policing. Time has been set aside on the agenda to hear from...(Read Article)
SARM’s Reaction to Growing Forward 2 Announcement
Today Canadian Federal and Provincial Agriculture Ministers signed the new Growing Forward 2 (GF2) agreement. SARM was pleased with increased funding for strategic initiatives but was disappointed to learn that government funding for AgriInvest will be reduced from 1.5 to 1 per cent of producers...(Read Article)
MCDP Inter-municipal Conference – Register Now!
MCDP Inter-municipal Conference - Register now!Registration opens on August 1, 2012 for the MCDP inter-municipal conference held on November 28th and 29th, 2012 at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Centre in Regina, SK. Sponsored by SARM and SUMA, the conference will bring rural and urban municipa...(Read Article)
SARM Comfortable with Premier’s Announcements
The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is pleased by the Premier's announcements today regarding the major reorganization of the provincial ministries and related cabinet shuffle. The realignment of the Government, which is meant to better facilitate the Province's growth...(Read Article)
Handbook Promoting Rural Municipal Administration
As another tool available to promote the profession of rural municipal administration, SARM has recently developed a handbook for distribution, Rural Municipal Administration: a rewarding career right here at home. The handbook outlines responsibilities and details of the profession, educat...(Read Article)