SARM President David Marit and Vice-President Jim Hallick accompanied Agriculture Minister Mark Wartman and other farm groups in Ottawa on April 11, 2006 to make their case for emergency farm aid. "Many of our producers need an immediate cash injection to even be able to plant a crop this spr...(Read Article)
Category: All
SARM Elects New President, Vice-President
Today David Marit was elected President of SARM and Jim Hallick won the Vice-Presidency by acclamation at SARM’s 101st Annual Convention in Regina. President Marit is a Councillor for the RM of Willow Bunch No. 42. He served as Vice-President of SARM since 2004 and prior to that sat as D...(Read Article)
SARM Convention Underway in Regina
The SARM 101st Annual Convention is underway at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina. 1700 people were in attendance. During the opening ceremonies, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Dr. Lynda Haverstock presented the Award for Outstanding Service to Rural Saskatchewan to William Welter o...(Read Article)
SARM Responds to 2006 Provincial Budget
"Addressing some of the recommendations in the Vicq report ties in with the Clearing the Path initiative to better Saskatchewan’s business climate," said SARM President David Marit. "This, along with the increases to the Highway’s budget, will help expand economic opportunities in rural Saskatch...(Read Article)
SARM Pleased with Education Tax Relief Announcement
SARM welcomes the Premier’s announcement of $52.8 million for education tax property relief for agricultural producers. "Education tax relief, particularly on farmland, has been a high priority for SARM for a long time. The premier has now taken steps to correct the unfairness of the educatio...(Read Article)
SARM Convention Starts March 6th
SARM will hold its 101st Annual Convention next week from March 6 – 9, at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina. The convention officially opens Tuesday, March 7 at 10:00 a.m. The Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan will present the Award for Outstanding Service to Rural Saskatchewan during ...(Read Article)
SARM Responds to Revenue Sharing Announcement
For Immediate Release SARM Responds to Revenue Sharing Announcement On February 6, 2006, the Premier announced that the Revenue Sharing Pool for 2005-06 would be topped up with an additional $10 million and that the 2006-07 Pool would also see a $10 million increase. The Province has confi...(Read Article)
Public Discussion Forum on Nuclear Energy Underway in Regina
For Immediate Release Public Discussion Forum on Nuclear Energy Underway in Regina Exploring Saskatchewan’s Nuclear Future, a public discussion forum on the issues surrounding nuclear development, began today at the Regina Inn. The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, the S...(Read Article)
Greenpeace founder to speak at Nuclear Forum
For Immediate Release Greenpeace founder to speak at Nuclear Forum Patrick Moore, and environmental consultant and founding member of Greenpeace, will be in Regina in January at a public discussion forum on the nuclear industry. Moore, who will talk about the role of nuclear energy in a...(Read Article)