For Immediate Release The Saskatchewan Government recently announced the re-instatement of the Channel Clearing Financial Assistance Program for rural municipalities, which funds 50 per cent of the cost of removing brush and other debris from natural water channels. "Given the economic bur...(Read Article)
Archives: Resolutions
SARM Welcomes Biofuels Announcement
For Immediate Release SARM welcomes the news of funding initiatives for farmers and rural communities to benefit from increased biofuels production - a promising economic opportunity for rural Saskatchewan. Yesterday, the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and M...(Read Article)
SARM Welcomes Biofuels Announcement
For Immediate Release SARM welcomes the news of funding initiatives for farmers and rural communities to benefit from increased biofuels production - a promising economic opportunity for rural Saskatchewan. Yesterday, the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and M...(Read Article)
SARM Welcomes Biofuels Announcement
For Immediate Release SARM welcomes the news of funding initiatives for farmers and rural communities to benefit from increased biofuels production - a promising economic opportunity for rural Saskatchewan. Yesterday, the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and M...(Read Article)
SARM Thanks Province for Flood Assistance
For Immediate Release SARM is very encouraged by the Premier’s announcement to provide an additional $10 per acre payment to assist producers impacted by heavy rains, snow and flooding damage. The Farm Support Review Committee (FSRC) is a committee made up of farmers and representatives fr...(Read Article)
2006 SARM June Division Meetings
For Immediate Release SARM will begin its annual round of Division Meetings on June 20, 2006, at the Town Hall in Kipling. Main agenda items include Clearing the Path and primary weight expansion, an address from Government Relations, and Pandemic Planning. Clearing the Path is a joint ini...(Read Article)
Channel Clearing Financial Assistance Program for RMs Withdrawn
For Immediate Release RMs are facing another economic setback as the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority withdrew their 50 per cent financial cost sharing support from the Channel Clearing Assistance Program for rural municipalities in April 2006. "With many Saskatchewan communities experienc...(Read Article)
SARM Disappointed with Hopper Car Decision
For Immediate Release SARM is disappointed with the May 4, 2006, Transport Canada decision to halt the transfer of its grain hopper cars to the Farmer Rail Car Coalition (FRCC) and instead retain ownership of the fleet and maintain the cars via the railways. Government estimates show that ...(Read Article)
Program Enhancements are a Step in the Right Direction
For Immediate Release Program Enhancements are a Step in the Right Direction SARM is encouraged by the announcements made by Agriculture Minister and Canadian Wheat Board Minister Chuck Strahl on May 18, 2006, including enhancements to the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization Program...(Read Article)
Good News Budget for Rural Saskatchewan
For Immediate Release Today’s federal budget brought some much needed good news to Canadian farmers with the $1.5 billion funding package. "This announcement will aid many farmers facing a grim financial situation due to rising input costs, low commodity prices, natural flooding and other ...(Read Article)