MAIP Rural Pilot Intern Application Deadline Extended Until October 12
The Municipal Administrator Internship (MAIP) rural pilot program has one more opening for a potential internship position in a rural municipality. This program was originally advertised in July, with an initial deadline of August 31, 2010. The deadline for applications has been extended until...(Read Article)
New Program to Help Train Future Administrators
In order to try and help address the projected need for rural municipal administrators in the future, a new program is being developed. The Municipal Administrator Internship Program (MAIP) will provide funding for rural municipalities to train selected interns to become RM administrators....(Read Article)
$360 Million for Rural Saskatchewan
SARM welcomes today’s announcement of $30 per acre financial assistance for all producers who had drowned out land or were unable to seed. Across the prairies almost 18 percent of the arable land in Canada has been affected by the flooding. ”We very much appreciate this announcement,” s...(Read Article)
Winners Announced at the 2010 Saskatchewan Municipal Awards
Winners Announced at the 2010 Saskatchewan Municipal Awards Improving customer service, enhancing economic development opportunities, strategies to deal with waste management, attracting new citizens and saving our past for the future. These were the themes front and center at the fourth a...(Read Article)
SARM Pleased with Canada-Saskatchewan Pasture Recovery Initiative
SARM welcomes the announcement that our provincial and federal governments are taking steps to ensure the vitality and health of Saskatchewan’s livestock industry. “The Pasture Recovery Initiative announced today is a very meaningful and important program and it will be a great help to Saskatche...(Read Article)
Finalists Announced for 2010 Saskatchewan Municipal Awards
The finalists have been announced for the fourth annual Saskatchewan Municipal Awards Program. A total of 24 nominations were received for the 2010 awards and were judged by an independent selection committee consisting of; Senator Pamela Wallin; Bob Linner, former City Manager for the City o...(Read Article)
Better Things Ahead
The 2010 Provincial Budget will be a challenge for Saskatchewan Rural Municipalities. “Rural municipalities will have to do some belt tightening of their own as a result of infrastructure funding cuts,” said SARM President David Marit. “However, this reduction has been somewhat offset b...(Read Article)
SARM Pleased Federal Government Addressing Competiveness in Cattle Industry
The federal government yesterday announced new funding to help make the red meat sector more competitive. The Slaughter Improvement Fund is receiving $25 million dollars for plants that handle cattle older than thirty months. It costs more in Canada to slaughter these cattle than it ...(Read Article)
Saskatchewan Agriculture Administers Water Pumping Equipment Rental Program
The Government of Saskatchewan’s Water Pumping Equipment Rental Program has been transferred from the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture effective January 1, 2010. The distribution of water pumping equipment will be administered by Saskatchewan Agricu...(Read Article)
Exemption for RM Residents Who Do Snow Removal for RM
Some time ago we received an inquiry from an RM as to whether or not the RM ratepayers, who are given permission by Council to do snow removal on municipal roads, must be "competent operators" within the meaning of section 154 of The Occupational Health and Safety R...(Read Article)