SARM Praises Government Attempts to Change Navigable Waters Protection Act

The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is encouraged that the Federal Government has tabled amendments to the Navigable Waters Protection Act.

This legislation was enacted over 120 years ago, when waterways were a primary means of transportation across our country.  While times and technology have evolved, this legislation has remained unchanged.

 “In the nineteenth century this legislation was put in place to facilitate the movement of goods and people.  In the twenty-first century this legislation is an impediment to that goal,” said SARM President, David Marit.

 “Our municipalities are frustrated by being forced to spend both time and money unnecessarily to build infrastructure to accommodate public travel on bodies of water that have not seen a canoe in 100 years,” said Marit.  “Under the best of circumstances, funding is desperately needed to build and maintain the basic infrastructure needs of our members.  Without question, municipalities do not have sufficient funds to build infrastructure that long ago ceased to be necessary, but which is still required under the Act.”

SARM is advocating that all political parties endorse the proposed changes to the legislation which will help to ensure that the much needed infrastructure monies can flow in a cost effective and timely manner.