Equipment Operator

The R.M. of Val Marie is looking to hire one (1) Equipment Operator. This is a permanent, seasonal position.

Equipment Operators are responsible for the operation of equipment used in maintaining all public works assets within the R.M. of Val Marie.

Maintenance of road infrastructure is the largest part of the workload, therefore maintenance operators are responsible for operating equipment used in road maintenance activities.

Operators will be proficient in operating many types of equipment including – but not limited to: grader, mulcher, tractor and front-end loader, mower, rock picker, truck mounted sprayer, backhoe, and service vehicles. Training will be provided on all equipment.

Other maintenance of municipal infrastructure is the responsibility of the public works department. This may include maintenance of firefighting equipment, landscaping equipment, signs, culverts, as well as general building repair and maintenance.

Persons with entry level skills are encouraged to apply, provided they are willing to learn and are coachable.

A complete job description can be obtained by contacting the office.

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the public works foreman Ben McLearn at 306-774-3446.

To apply for this job email your details to