The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is pleased with the government’s commitment to the provincial recovery from the effects of the pandemic and the $3.1 billion to help stimulate the economy and create jobs. SARM is disappointed that the province was not able to fully ...(Read Article)
Category: All
Canada Water Agency Concerns SARM
SARM is concerned with the implications of the federal government creating a Canada Water Agency (CWA) and how that may affect the jurisdiction of the province of Saskatchewan and rural municipalities. SARM has several questions about the focus of the CWA and the overlap that federal regulati...(Read Article)
SARM Responds to the 2021 Federal Budget
The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) has carefully considered the federal government’s 2021 budget and its implications for the RMs in our province. SARM has long been advocating for access to reliable broadband and we are pleased with the proposed addition of $1 billio...(Read Article)
RC Spring 2021
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2020 Wins Report
2020 SARM Wins Report (Read Article)
2020 Annual Report
2020 SARM Annual Report Audited Financial Statements 2020 SARM Financial Statements 2020 Rural Municipal Specific Claims Tax Loss Compensation Trust Fund Statements 2020 Rural Municipal Tax Loss Compensation Trust Fund Statements Rural Municipal Tax Loss Compensation Trust Fun...(Read Article)
Keystone XL Pipeline
The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is extremely disappointed that the Keystone XL Pipeline project has been suspended and with the federal government for not pushing hard enough to convince U.S. President Biden of the benefits of the Keystone XL. This is yet anothe...(Read Article)
Leaders’ Responsibility During a Pandemic
As leaders of municipal associations, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) Board of Directors believes in leading by example, especially during the pandemic crisis that the world finds itself in today. Numerous federal and provincial political figures from a range of...(Read Article)
SARM Comments on the Speech from the Throne
The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is encouraged by the Government of Saskatchewan’s recognition of some key concerns for rural municipalities as well as its pandemic response and economic recovery as outlined in yesterday’s Speech from the Throne. We appreciate the p...(Read Article)
RC Winter 2020
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