
Wild Boar Nuisance

Res #: 46-16A
Number: 46
Year: 2016
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: Yes
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

BE IT RESOLVED that wild boar be declared a nuisance in the Province of Saskatchewan  and that SARM lobby the Ministry of Environment to allow an open season on wild boar.

Responses From: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

June 7, 2016

The ministry has been working on potential solutions with the Ministry of Agriculture and Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) to help deal with wild boar. The Ministry of Agriculture has contracted two wild boar control teams to assist in provincial eradication efforts. RMs can request the services of a control team by contacting their area SCIC office for
assistance. Control teams are authorized to use lethal options under a Special Permit subject to The Wildlife Act, 1998. These lethal methods include aerial detection and eradication by trained ground-shooting teams, or snaring where applicable.

We continue to work with the Ministry of Agriculture on further solutions to this issue.

The Honourable Herb Cox – Minister of Environment, Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment