
Weed Control on Organic Farmland

Res #: 31-18M
Number: 31
Year: 2018
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

WHEREAS prohibited, noxious and nuisance weeds are a very big concern for farmers and RMs;

WHEREAS many RMs spend a lot of money each year to control the spread of these weeds by hiring weed inspectors and spraying; and

WHEREAS there are issues with these weeds being more prevalent on organic farmland;

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to ensure that organic certification bodies do not allow farmers certified as organic to have prohibited, noxious and nuisance weeds to growing on their land.

View response from Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada