
Trapline Management and Quotas

Res #: 13-15A
Number: 13
Year: 2015
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

WHEREAS RMs along the northern forest are experiencing difficulties with beavers and wolves moving out of the Northern Provincial Forest into the settlements; and

WHEREAS the majority of traplines are underutilized due to the majority of traplines being controlled by non-trappers for recreational use; and

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Ministry of Environment to enforce the current legislation, “if a trapline is not trapped for two years, the lease holder relinquishes the right to the trapping lease”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ministry of Environment reinstate the quota system for fur bearing animals on the registered trapline system.


The ministry recognizes that inactive trappers pose a problem  for both the adequate harvest of furbearers and the opportunity for new trappers to become involved in trapping in the Northern Fur Conservation Block. We respect the sense of pride and tradition that holding these lines means to many long-time trappers.  The ministry  is undertaking work with the key stakeholders to address this issue. Establishment of mandatory quotas for species that are known to cause damage to livestock producers or municipalities will be a part of these discussions along with other potential solutions.