
The Stray Animals Act

Res #: 10-07A
Number: 10
Year: 2007
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No

Resolution 10-07A
The Stray Animals Act

WHEREAS, Section 22 of The Stray Animals Act describes the procedure to have a stray delivered to livestock auction market without any other options; and

WHEREAS, council feels that the Reeve of the municipality should have authority to determine other options for handling an unclaimed stray, e.g. selling the stray to an interested individual who is not the owner of the stray;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM propose an amendment to Section 22 of The Stray Animals Act to allow a municipality other options besides taking the stray to auction.

Response from Honourable Mark Wartman, Minister of Agriculture and Food: 

The Stray Animals Act and The Stray Animals Regulations, 1999, are in place providing authorities to municipalities for dealing with stray animals.  The authorities, in part provide rural municipalities the power to address a range of issues including minimum fencing requirements for livestock, provision for pound keepers, provisions outlining associated fees and penalties.  Auction markets shall sell the stray by public auction to the highest bidder and deduct any sales commission fees, yardage, veterinary costs, etc. from the proceeds.  This process provides transparency and ensures the sale of strays in conducted in the nest interest of all parties.