The Stray Animal Act
Res #: 24-22M
Number: 24
Year: 2022
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: Yes
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
WHEREAS The Stray Animals Act Section 3 reads in part that “no owner shall at any time allow any of his animals to run at large within the province”.
WHEREAS a municipality does not have the authority to pass its own Bylaws when dealing with animals running at large and can only utilize the powers the RM has under The Stray Animals Act, RSS 1978, c S-60.
BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Ministry of Agriculture to allow for the option of either following the precedent of The Stray Animals Act and/or the ability for an RM to generate its own Bylaw with regard to animals not running at large and capacity to enforce by adding direct penalty fees and any related fees to resolve the concern of stray animals on to the landowner’s tax roll in order to remedy.
Responses From: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
January 18, 2023
The MoA appreciates SARM’s input in the development of The Animal Production Act and Regulations, which encompasses The Stray Animals Act, and The Stray Animals
Regulations, 1999, along with three other Acts and 11 sets of regulations. The MoA will begin its final round of consultations for regulations under the new Act in the new year. The MoA welcomes further input on stray animals from both SARM as well as individual rural municipalities.
The Honourable David Marit – Minister of Agriculture, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture