
SaskPower Rates for Municipal Rink Facilities

Res #: 15-24M
Number: 15
Year: 2024
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: Yes
Departments: SaskPower

WHEREAS skating and curling rinks in small communities throughout Saskatchewan are an essential part of community life.

WHEREAS balancing the costs to operate rink facilities while charging fees that most people can afford is difficult for communities and the current Rink Affordability Grant covers only a small fraction of the costs associated with operating these rinks.

WHEREAS SaskPower charges rink facilities their Business Standard rate for electricity, which is designed for profit, and puts an unfair burden on municipal owned rink facilities which are not-for-profit.

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby SaskPower and the Minister Responsible for SaskPower to recognize the not-for-profit nature of municipal rinks and the value that they provide by offering a reduced electrical rate for all municipal-owned rink facilities.

Responses From: SaskPower

February 26, 2025

This government recognizes the importance of rinks in Saskatchewan communities. In 2023, SaskPower made changes to the electricity rate structure for seasonal customers such as ice rinks. Previously, demand charges were based on peak demand over the past 11 months. Since 2023, the demand charge reset occurs every six months in May and November. The demand charge reset allows customers to be billed a lower demand charge during their offseason. Savings are estimated at $1,140 per year for seasonal customers.

Hon. Jeremy Harrison – Minister Responsible for SaskPower