
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance

Res #: 14-05A
Number: 14
Year: 2005
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No

Resolution No. 14-05A

WHEREAS, prices on low quality grains change rapidly due to supply, demand, weather, etc; and

WHEREAS, Saskatchewan Crop Insurance’s reaction to damaged crop values are higher than the marketplace is paying, or put a value on unmarketable grain through the regular grain companies;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM lobby the Provincial Government for Saskatchewan Crop Insurance to use the initial Canadian Wheat Board price or the elevator (Pioneer, Cargill, SWP, AgriCore) price at the time of claim for the value of damaged grains, and subsequently cover the remaining differences crop insurance was designed to cover.

Response from Honourable Mark Wartman, Minister of Agriculture and Food:

Crop Insurance quality factors are based on a fall survey of grain marketing companies and processors. The price survey provides the current market price for the standard grade and the prices for the lower than standard grades. If market prices change significantly after the initial factor is set, crop insurance has and will continue to adjust the factors. In the rare case where the harvested crop is not saleable because of the level of damage, crop insurance will use a price of zero.