
SARM Governance Bylaw 2016-01 – Amendment #4 (Resolution #4)

Res #: 20-21M
Number: 20
Year: 2021
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: Matters Pertaining to SARM

WHEREAS the Covid pandemic has had a significant impact on the annual and mid-term conventions; and

WHEREAS a review of the convention clauses in the Governance Bylaw was prudent given recent events.

BE IT RESOLVED that Governance Bylaw 2016-01 be amended to delete the existing clauses with respect to the timing of the annual and mid-term conventions and add a clause that provides that “An annual and midterm convention shall be held each year, on the dates and at a place or through such means as determined by the Board.”

Responses From: Test


