SARM Governance Bylaw 2016-01 – Amendment #3 (Resolution #3)
Res #: 19-21M
Number: 19
Year: 2021
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: Matters Pertaining to SARM
WHEREAS it has been five years since Governance Bylaw 2016-01 was adopted by SARM members at the 2016 Annual Convention; and
WHEREAS opportunities have been identified to improve and update the resolutions section of the Governance Bylaw.
BE IT RESOLVED that Governance Bylaw 2016-01 be amended to add a clause that states, “The Board, pursuant to Section 15 of The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Act, shall adopt a Resolutions Policy to detail the rules relative to the creation, consideration, adoption, amendment, and repeal of Resolutions, including Bylaw resolutions”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Governance Bylaw 2016-01 be amended to delete the definition of “Resolutions Committee” and add a clause that states, “The Board shall establish a Resolutions Committee with the authority to administer the Resolutions Policy”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Governance Bylaw 2016-01 be amended to state that “a Resolution, including a Bylaw resolution, may be submitted by a member municipality, a group of member municipalities or the Board”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the definition of “Bylaw” in Governance Bylaw 2016-01 be amended to include the wording “that is approved by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by Voting Delegates at a Convention”, and the related clause in the Bylaw be deleted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the definition of “Resolution” in Governance Bylaw 2016-01 be amended to include the wording “that is approved by over half of the votes cast by Voting Delegates at a Convention”, and the related clause in the Bylaw be deleted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Governance Bylaw 2016-01 be amended to replace the words “Resolution Committee” with the words “the Board” in the clause “the Resolution Committee has deemed the resolution to be rescinded because the resolution is stale dated or has been replaced by another resolution”.