
Road Salt

Res #: 39-02A
Number: 39
Year: 2002
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Transport Canada

Resolution 39-02A 

WHEREAS, there is a growing concern about the environmental impact of using road salt and consideration is being given to banning its use; and WHEREAS, there is concern about the safety of the traveling public in winter driving conditions;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM lobby for the continued use of road salt for the safety of Saskatchewan drivers until a safe and affordable alternative is developed.

Response From Transport Canada:

I have also noted your resolution about road salt and its continued use on Saskatchewan roads. As you may be aware, the Honourable David Anderson, Minister of the Environment, has declared road salt a toxic substance under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). However, Environment Canada recognizes the importance of road salt in protecting roadway safety, and, as such, it is neither proposing a ban on this substance nor putting in place any requirements that would compromise road safety.

Under the CEPA, the federal government has two years to consider a full range of options to develop management requirements that may be implemented to meet the dual objectives of reducing the impact of road salt on the environment while maintaining road safety. During this management options stage, a broad range of management actions will be studied, including improved application technologies and better storage and handling techniques. The study will build upon existing work on this issue carried out by provincial, territorial and municipal governments, as well as stakeholders, transportation and road maintenance authorities, the road salt industry and environmental groups.

Environment Canada has assured Transport Canada that the management options stage will include appropriate mechanisms to help maintain road safety within the framework of a clear, transparent and flexible process. Transport Canada will continue to work with Environment Canada and other interested parties in developing the management framework.

For further information on Environment Canada's review/designation of road salt, I would encourage you to visit its website at

I trust that the foregoing will be of assistance. Thank you again for providing Transport Canada with your views.