
Rat Eradication

Res #: 7-10A
Number: 7
Year: 2010
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

WHEREAS rural municipal councils are desirous of controlling, reducing and even eliminating the Norway rat species, and related rat species thereto, in the Province of Saskatchewan;


WHEREAS hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost due to damages directly and indirectly attributable to the rat population in Saskatchewan;


WHEREAS further hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent by the Province of Saskatchewan via the Provincial Council of ADD Boards (PCAB) each year, in addition to money spent by rural municipalities, corporations and individuals in an attempt to eradicate rats;


WHEREAS the Province of Alberta has had a longstanding and successful provincial rate eradication program; and


WHEREAS policies and procedures respecting rat control and eradication vary from municipality to municipality in Saskatchewan;


BE IT RESOLVED that SARM, in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Pest Control Officers Association Inc., develop a comprehensive rat control policy for all rural and urban municipalities in Saskatchewan; and


FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that SARM join with the Saskatchewan Pest Control Officers Association Inc. in lobbying the Government of Saskatchewan to develop provincial rat eradication policies and programs similar to the Province of Alberta’s.

Response from Honourable Bob Bjornerud, Minister of Agriculture:

Improving pest control of rats in Saskatchewan is a priority with the Ministry of Agriculture. As of April 1, 2010, administration of the Agricultural Fieldworker Policy and the Provincial Rat Control Program will be transferred to SARM. This will contribute to a more consistent framework for rat control across the province.

I understand SARM has established a Provincial Rat Eradication Board to improve rat control. The Ministry is pleased to work with SARM to develop practical and effective rat control policies and programs.