
Provincial Union

Res #: 2-02A
Number: 2
Year: 2002
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Matters Pertaining to SARM

Resolution 2-02A 

WHEREAS, the economic state of Saskatchewan is rapidly deteriorating; and

WHEREAS, the ever increasing burden of taxes are being carried on the shoulders of an ever decreasing number of taxpayers; and

WHEREAS, our richest resource, our youth, are continually being lured by a brighter economic future outside of our Provincial borders;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM lobby the Provincial Government to investigate a provincial union to form a stronger western voice.

Response from the Premier Lorne Calvert:

Thank you for your April 18, 2002, letter regarding the resolution passed at your 2002 Annual Convention. I appreciate learning of your views in this way, and have passed them along to the Honourable Ron Osika, Minister of Government Relations, for his information.

Again, thank you for writing.