
Proposal for Review and Amendment of LAFOIP Regulations

Res #: 20-19A
Number: 20
Year: 2019
Midterm: No
Expired: No
Responses Received: Yes
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice

WHEREAS the cost and time involved with the processing of an information request as found in The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations requires the fee schedule to be reviewed in its entirety, to remain current and in line with actual costs involved and/or incurred with the process itself;

WHEREAS the local authority's internal processing regulations and/or boundaries may be unclear, allowing for mistakes to be made from the initial receipt of LAFOIP requests;

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the provincial government to review the fees section as indicated in The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations to reflect current costs;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that SARM lobby the provincial government to review and amend:

(i) The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations to ensure that local authority's internal roles are more clearly stipulated in the regulations; and

(ii) the Access to Information Request Form(A) to include directions for the individual submitting the request: "Envelope should be clearly labeled PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL and addressed TO THE HEAD OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY.”

Responses From: The Ministry of Justice

April 29, 2019

With respect to that part of resolution 20-19A relating to a review of the fees section, The Local Authority and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations was also reviewed and amended as part of the 2017 amendments to the Act. At that time, the fee schedule was reviewed and revised to maintain fees for photocopies and printouts and establish that the fees related to copies of all other mediums be the actual cost of reproduction. The forms were also reviewed at that time.

I have forwarded your correspondence and resolutions respecting further review and amendments to the Regulations to my officials for further consideration.

Don Morgan, Q.C. – Minister of Justice and Attorney General