POP: Purchases, Leases, and Conservation Easements
POP: Yes
Res #: POP 3-02A
Number: 3
Year: 2002
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Environment
Point of Privilege Resolution 3-02A
WHEREAS, Ducks Unlimited Canada procures control of Saskatchewan Farmland through purchases, leases, and conservation easements; and
WHEREAS, it appears that Ducks Unlimited gains total control of the cultivation or cutting of hay on these lands; and
WHEREAS, it appears that Ducks Unlimited is in the process of gaining access to a new agreement known as the Conservation Cover Initiative Program (CCIP), with the Federal Government; and
WHEREAS, it appears that the ownership of this property under the CCIP agreement will insure that the land will never again be used for crop production;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM lobby the Federal and/or the Provincial Government to gain the necessary evidence to substantiate the allegations set forth and to make public the information obtained, and the to proceed with the necessary action to resolve the issue.
Response From the Hon. Clay Serby:
We believe Saskatchewan Citizens support land use that meets our public policy goals with respect to both agriculture and the environment.
We already know that the Crown land administered by Saskatchewan Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization (SAFRR) on behalf of Saskatchewan citizens helps to sustain wildlife, as well as contribute to agriculture.
We also believe that groups who have plans to utilize agricultural land for conservation/environmental purposes have to have input from and the support of agricultural stakeholders for conservation projects to be successful. We will continue to work with SARM, farm groups, and conservation groups to ensure land use policies meet all our goals – including growing our agriculture industries so they will help to contribute more to the provincial economy.
We have also indicated to Ducks Unlimited (DU) that conservation projects that can meet agricultural objectives while also meeting conservation goals, are more likely to be acceptable to the agricultural community and therefore more sustainable projects.