POP: Oil and Gas Development Issues
POP: Yes
Res #: POP 10-13A
Number: 10
Year: 2013
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Economy
WHEREAS the responsibilities of RM Councils are expanding in conjunction with the continually growing petroleum and natural gas sector in Saskatchewan; and
WHEREAS while an expanding resource sector is beneficial to the province as a whole, municipal governments are charged with managing the impacts of the expansion at the local level;
BE IT RESOLVED that SARM facilitate a partnership between RMs, the province and industry to assess and properly define the issues surrounding expanding petroleum and natural gas development and develop a plan and update the appropriate legislation to deal with them effectively.
Response from Honourable Bill Boyd, Minister of Economy:
Resolution 10-13A calls for SARM to facilitate a partnership between Rural Municipalities, the province and industry to assess and properly define the issues surrounding expanding petroleum and natural gas development and develop a plan and update the appropriate legislation to deal with them effectively.
I agree with the proposal to establish a partnership, define issues and develop a plan with respect to the subject issue. I am instructing Ministry of the Economy (ECON) officials to participate and support SARM's endeavour.
Updated response from the Ministry of Economy dated July 10, 2017