POP: Closure or Reduction of Saskatchewan Highways Services in Rural Saskatchewan
POP: Yes
Res #: POP 3-06A
Number: 3
Year: 2006
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Highways & Transportation
Point of Privilege Resolution No. 3-06A
WHEREAS, Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation continues to work toward the closure or reduction of services at Kelvington, Stockholm, Watrous, Wakaw, Estin, Lucky Lake, Kerrobert, Churchbridge and Porcupine Plain; and
WHEREAS, the safety and vitality of these communities is dependent on prompt and adequate highway maintenance, snow clearing and salting for ambulance, school bus, business and personal purposes; and
WHEREAS, the employees and their families are vital to the health of the respective communities; and
WHEREAS, this move by Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation runs counter to the promotion of rural Saskatchewan by other government departments;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Minister of Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation immediately confer with his senior staff and instruct that this centralized planning be immediately abandoned.
Response from Honourable Eldon Lautermilch, Minister of Highways and Transportation:
The department has no plans to close any maintenance sections at the present time and despite rumours to the contrary, has no approved plan to eliminate maintenance sections over the medium or long-term.