
POP: Asset Management Funding

POP: Yes
Res #: POP 1-18M
Number: 1
Year: 2018
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: Yes
Departments: Infrastructure Canada

WHEREAS asset management is a new policy concept being imposed on all municipalities across Canada;

WHEREAS an effective, useable asset management policy, strategy and full implementation of an asset management plan can cost a municipality thousands of dollars for things such as computer programs, engineering reviews of infrastructure and administration time, and will require significant funding by local governments, many of which are already struggling financially;

WHEREAS funding currently offered by the federal government has already being fully allocated on a first come basis, which has resulted in many municipalities not being able to benefit from the program;

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the federal government for more funding to ensure municipalities have the resources to properly implement an asset management plan that can used to its full potential by municipalities.

View response from Infrastructure Canada

Responses From: Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

October 24, 2022

Asset management funding that helps ensure municipalities have the resources to implement an integrated life cycle approach to effective stewardship of infrastructure is being supported through the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF), formerly known as the Gas Tax Fund. Under the CCBF, capacity building is an eligible investment category, and municipalities can access federal funding to implement projects that bolster their capacity, including development and implementation of asset management plans. 

To maximize the value and ensure the sustainability of investments in public infrastructure, our government encourages all jurisdictions to undertake life cycle cost assessments and develop robust capital asset management plans. These tools allow governments to take into account the costs associated with building the asset, as well as maintenance and rehabilitation costs over the project’s full life cycle. By incorporating such analysis and planning in infrastructure investment decisions, governments maximize the value of these investments for taxpayers by minimizing the costs of maintaining assets at an acceptable standard and ensuring sustainability over time. This approach contributes to improved benefits for our communities. 

The Government of Canada recognizes that there is a tremendous range of community sizes across the country. Under the agreements for the CCBF program that are in place with all provinces and territories, each province or territory has indicated how they intend to advance asset management within their jurisdiction. In Saskatchewan, an Asset Management Subcommittee was formed to develop and implement a plan to measure progress towards establishing asset management plans in the province. 

Moreover, the federal government is providing funding for asset management through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), under the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP). Funding is available to help municipalities use good asset management practices, support training and workshops in communities, help plan for and conduct data collection and analysis, and gather and share knowledge and lessons learned. On May 26, 2022, FCM and the Government of Canada announced $448,224 for 11 new projects in Saskatchewan communities through the MAMP. 

The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc – Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities Canada