
POP: Accelerate Evaluation Process for Physicians

POP: Yes
Res #: POP 3-08M
Number: 3
Year: 2008
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Matters Pertaining to SARM

WHEREAS, many rural Saskatchewan communities, have no on site physician services; and

WHEREAS, rural areas are populated with patients requiring the services of an on site physician; and

WHEREAS, the physicians who are currently working in rural Saskatchewan are overworked and servicing an unsustainable patient base due to this physician shortage; and

WHEREAS, there is fear that these physicians will “burn-out” due to the large patient base and long hours, which potentially could leave no physician services to a land mass of approximately 120 miles by 50 miles; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM lobby the Provincial Government to expedite the “Accelerate Evaluation Process” mentioned in the Throne Speech which allows initiation of evaluation for foreign medical graduates regardless of country of post graduate studies.