
Nursing & Trained Health Care Workers Shortage

Res #: 15-21M
Number: 15
Year: 2021
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Health

WHEREAS a shortage of nurses and trained healthcare staff such as combined lab/x-ray technicians in rural Saskatchewan existed prior to the Covid 19 pandemic; and

WHEREAS the Covid-19 pandemic has only served to heighten the nurse and professional health care worker shortage not only in rural Saskatchewan but province wide; and

WHEREAS chronic closures of emergency services and other services in many rural facilities is proof that the current incentives offered by the province are failing to address the staffing needs of rural health centers and the overall competitiveness for nursing and healthcare professional staff.

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the province to immediately increase the number of nursing and combined x-ray/lab technicians at all training facilities, and look at ways to fast-track training for health care students; and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Government of Saskatchewan to look at incentives and initiatives to encourage individuals to consider healthcare professions as a positive career choice by offering enhanced financial and tax incentives and examining what stressors are negatively affecting this sector of the medical service and finding long term solutions that address the overall health care staffing crisis.