Noxious Weed Control
Res #: 11-05M
Number: 11
Year: 2005
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Resolution No. 11-05M
WHEREAS, persistent noxious weeds have become a serious problem; and
WHEREAS, the spread of noxious weeds is a province-wide issue;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Provincial Government accept responsibility for at least 50% of the cost of clean up and eradication of persistent noxious weeds.
Response from the Honourable Mark Wartman, Minister of Agriculture and Food:
Land owners or occupants, including governments, are obliged under The Noxious Weeds Act, 1984, to control noxious weeds on their land. The cost of controlling noxious weeds is borne by the land owner or occupant, whether private or public and the land owner or occupant also benefits from that control. SAF contributes directly to noxious weed control through the Noxious Weed Program. SAF and other provincial government departments contribute to noxious weed control by controlling noxious weeds as land owners under Noxious Weeds Act. Proactive ongoing noxious weed management incorporating monitoring and early eradication programs led by local weed inspectors are the most cost effective way to prevent and control noxious weeds.