
Maltster Consignment

Res #: 42-01M
Number: 42
Year: 2001
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Canadian Wheat Board

Resolution No. 42-01M

WHEREAS, the farmer is responsible for paying all costs of handling, cleaning, sizing, elevation, freight, and trucking charges when consigning malt barley to the Maltsters; and

WHEREAS, there is a risk to the farmer of the consigned malt barley being rejected by the Maltster due to low germination or peeling; and

WHEREAS, in some cases, selling malt barley as feed and not paying freight and all the additional costs is more than consigning to the Maltsters;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM lobby the Canadian Wheat Board to look into these problems and change the rules so farmers can show a profit in growing malt barley without risk, and charge the storage and extra cost to the user.