Juror Payment
Res #: 30-01A
Number: 30
Year: 2001
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Resolution No. 30-01A
WHEREAS, council believes the importance of serving the justice system by carrying out jury duty is important for all citizens; and
WHEREAS, Saskatchewan Justice does not pay prospective jurors until they have actually served on a trial for 15 days; and
WHEREAS, Saskatchewan Justice only pays barely minimum wage to jurors after that one time; and
WHEREAS, the caliber of jurors will be based on the ability of an individual to manage a three week loss of pay and reduced pay following this three week period; and
WHEREAS, employers who pay employee wages while serving on jury duty are doubly penalized due to the staff being out of the place of employment as well as the wages of the employees serving on jury duty, thus severely limiting the number of eligible jurors;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM lobby Saskatchewan Justice to bring about a fair and equitable system of payment for jurors in order to ensure that our justice system is maintained for all Saskatchewan citizens.
Response from Hon. Chris Axthworthy:
Court Services is reviewing the procedures in regard to the payment of juror fees. Any changes to these fees would require an amendment to The Jury Fee Regulations. I have requested that my officials in Court Services keep you apprised of any developments in regard to the matter.