Funding to Control Dutch Elm Disease
Res #: 6-13M
Number: 6
Year: 2013
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
WHEREAS there are a large number of elm trees being affected by Dutch Elm Disease and this continues to be a problem, as residents experience financial loss of property value; and
WHEREAS municipalities are responsible for the costs associated with eradication and/or control of Dutch Elm Disease and the costs for removal or chemical means are very high; and
WHEREAS without control the disease is spread uninhibited;
BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Provincial Government to provide financial assistance to RMs to assist with the costs associated with the eradication and/or control of Dutch Elm Disease.
Response from Honourable Ken Cheveldayoff, Minister of Environment
Protecting trees in our communities, including elms, is most effectively achieved by the municipality. Ministry of Environment staff will continue to provide the same level of support to urban and rural municipalities. In addition to providing extension services including scientific expertise and the Dutch elm disease (DED) information line, the ministry provides regulatory controls to restrict the spread of DED from rural areas into urban centres. This is achieved through ongoing surveillance in two provincial parks and in seven special management areas, or buffers, around communities at greatest risk. The ministry also provides laboratory diagnostic services to verify infections. Effective management of DED requires the collaboration and cooperation of partners from all levels of government. By working together we can reduce the spread of this devastating disease and protect elm trees in Saskatchewan communities.
View updated response dated June 6, 2017 from the Ministry of Environment