Environmental Reviews on Construction Projects
Res #: 7-19A
Number: 7
Year: 2019
Midterm: No
Expired: No
Responses Received: Yes
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment
WHEREAS environmental reviews and regulations also apply to existing developed road allowances;
WHEREAS municipal and provincial agencies are required to obtain separate environmental permits;
WHEREAS municipalities are responsible for all costs regarding environmental review, permits and monitoring during construction;
WHEREAS environmental reviews cause significant delays during construction season;
BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Ministry of Environment to amend existing policies and regulations so that when construction work is done within a developed road allowance it is exempt from environmental reviews and permits;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when provincial agencies are required to do work, such as relocating telephone or fibre optic lines, the agency use existing permits that have been issued for project.
Responses From: The Ministry of Environment
May 27, 2019
The ministry is committed to evaluating process and providing proponents streamlined solutions to the permitting for construction activities within developed road allowances, including better access to information to aid proponents in identifying environmental sensitivities. In addition, clarity to the permitting process will result in well-planned projects, reduced cost to the municipalities and provide certainty for construction projects.
Construction activities related to roads and bridges may require permits to be issued from different agencies, such as the Ministry of Environment, Water Security Agency and potentially the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, depending on the complexities of the project. The ministry will continue to work with SARM for better understanding of requirements while reducing red tape and delays.
Dustin Duncan – Minister of Environment