
Engineering Services

Res #: 1-08M
Number: 1
Year: 2008
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Matters Pertaining to SARM

Whereas the province is experiencing a development expansion that requires the upgrading or construction of municipal infrastructure facilities including waterlines, sewer lines, drainage courses, water crossings, etc; and

Whereas SARM has, over the past several years, expanded their services to members, including legal and planning departments,  that have and will continue to be a tremendous asset to assist with this expansion; and

Whereas costs and availability of engineering services related to infrastructure design and construction are an impediment to the timely expansion of the required facilities to service new development; and

Whereas many grant applications require engineered design to be considered for approval;

Be it Resolved that SARM research the feasibility of establishing an engineering department complete with a civil engineer to assist our members with infrastructure design, grant approvals, and other municipal planning needs.