Education Tax
Res #: 5-05M
Number: 5
Year: 2005
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Matters Pertaining to SARM
Resolution No. 5-05M
WHEREAS, SARM has declined to act as directed by Resolution 8, March 2005 convention, to proceed with deliberations to reduce education tax on agriculture property immediately; and
WHEREAS, SARM amalgamated a resolution for six district meetings to seek further direction from member RMs with the June district meetings, which delayed further action; and
WHEREAS, SARM took the resolutions from these district meetings as direction to proceed to form a coalition that would support education tax reduction; and
WHEREAS, SARM included all organizations recommended at the district meetings except APAS to form a coalition to present a position to the Saskatchewan Government; and
WHEREAS, none of the other recommended organizations represent agricultural producers in rural Saskatchewan;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that APAS be immediately included to work in defense of rural agricultural producers to reduce education tax on agricultural property for 2006.