
Easement Registration

Res #: 20-04M
Number: 20
Year: 2004
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Information Services Corporation

Resolution 20-04M

WHEREAS, Information Services Corporation (ISC) requires easements to have dominant and subservient parcels in order to permit them to be registered; and

WHEREAS, the original unaltered 66 foot road allowances do not have title numbers, a municipality can not register an easement paralleling one of these roads;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM lobby Saskatchewan Justice to amend The Public Utilities Easements Act of the regulations thereto in such a manner as to specifically accommodate the types of easements generally used by Municipalities for road widening, backsloping, borrow pits, etc.

Response from Honourable Eric Cline, Minister Responsible for Information Services Corporation:

As you may know, The Public Utilities Easements Act provides public utilities, railway companies, telegraph companies, gas or oil companies and municipalities with legislative authority to acquire access to land if the property owner agrees to grant this access. Saskatchewan Justice is responsible for The Public Utilities Easements Act so your resolution appropriately addresses the correct provincial department. I am pleased to be able to advise you that ISC will not oppose your request to Saskatchewan Justice to amend the Act.