Census of Agriculture
Res #: 20-07A
Number: 20
Year: 2007
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Statistics Canada
Resolution No. 20-07A
Census of Agriculture
WHEREAS, the federal government has statistical information about farms through the CAIS Administration and Revenue Canada; and
WHEREAS, other industries are not required to submit sensitive financial and inventory information about the operation of their businesses;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Census of Agriculture be discontinued.
Response from Ivan P. Fellegi – Chief Statistician of Canada
· Every effort is made to use administrative data rather then contacting respondents. CAIS and Revenue Canada information is used to reduce respondent burden of farm operators. However this data does not contain all the information required to make a complete profile of the industry.
· The census of Agriculture can provide data about rural communities by looking at farm operator characteristics, crops and livestock grown, management of land, finances, machinery, labour computer uses and ties all this information together to give a complete profiles of agriculture. This comprehensive collection vehicle is essential for policy development and program evaluations and is the only source of integrated data at lower geographic levels.
· Statistics Canada holds consultations to evaluate the types of questions that address present and future issue. There is a consultation in every province and your input would be appreciated.
· The Statistics Act requires us to publish information on the economic, social and general conditions of the country and its citizens. We use whenever possible, administrative data but also collect a wide range of monthly, quarterly and annual statistics (including financial data) on all aspects of industries including manufacturing, primary industries, transportation, communications, computing, merchandising services, external trade, prices, business finance, science and technology, small business and public finance. These data serve as the basis of the many statistical reports made available free of charge on our internet website.
· Canadians need accurate and reliable information as the cornerstone of democratic decision making. Through the Statistics Act, parliament has mandated Statistics Canada to produce such information; we count on the cooperation of all survey participants to fulfill this mandate.
· Statistics Canada is aware of the burden the surveys impose on Canadian farmers and continues to make strides in reducing the burden through a variety of means.