
Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant Eligibility

Res #: 19-24M
Number: 19
Year: 2024
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: Yes
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety

WHEREAS resolution 12-22A that was passed at the 2022 SARM Annual Convention requested that SARM lobby the Provincial Government to include municipalities among the eligible employers for the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant (CSJG) which provides eligible employers reimbursement for two-thirds of eligible training costs for their employees.

WHEREAS the response received from SGI to visit their website for more information on obtaining class 1 entry level training does not address the initial request to include municipalities among the eligible employers for the CSJG.

WHEREAS competing for workers with the private sector employers who are eligible for funding has put municipalities at a disadvantage, as private employers are able to offer training opportunities to their employees covered by the grant, whereas municipalities are unable to provide the same high costs training opportunities without causing increased financial burden upon the ratepayers of the municipality.

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the federal and provincial governments to have municipalities included in the list of eligible employers for the CSJG.

Responses From: Saskatchewan Ministry of Immigration and Career Training

December 17, 2024

Thank you for your letter of November 26, 2024 regarding the midterm convention resolution to have municipalities included in the list of eligible employers for the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant (CSJG).

The CSJG supports private and non-profit organizations to train new or existing employees for available jobs. Publicly funded organizations such as health regions, post-secondary training institutions, public libraries, municipalities and school divisions are not eligible under the program.

In March 2024, the federal government announced a $625 million cut to Labour Market Transfer Agreements which support workforce development programs across the country. For Saskatchewan, this represents a 20 per cent cut to the budget at a time when we have increasing demand for employment and training programs. This federal reduction impacts an array of programs and services including the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant. While the provincial impacts of this significant funding reduction to Saskatchewan are still being assessed, we are not actively considering changes to eligibility criteria.

If you’d like to discuss this resolution or the CSJG program further, please contact Emery Schnell, Director, Career Services by phone at: 306-787-8434 or via email at:

Hon. Jim Reiter – Minister of Immigration and Career Training, Government of Saskatchewan