
Bylaw Amendment 5

Res #: 5-16A
Number: 5
Year: 2016
Midterm: No
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: SARM Bylaws

WHEREAS the SARM currently has four bylaws in place including a bylaw with respect to SARM membership, a bylaw with respect to the election and appointment of officer, a bylaw with respect to the election and appointment of officer, a bylaw with respect to the Board of Directors, and a bylaw with respect to conventions;

WHEREAS Bylaw 4 references “official delegates” and “visiting delegates” to differentiate between elected officials and member municipalities who are attending the convention and have voting privileges versus those attending that do not have voting privileges;

WHEREAS internally staff refer to delegates with voting privileges as “voting delegates” and those without voting privileges as “delegates”;

BE IT RESOLVED that the SARM bylaws be updated to refer to delegates with voting privileges as “voting delegates” and those without voting privileges as “delegates”.