
Beaver Control in Northern Fur Conservation Areas

Res #: 14-10M
Number: 14
Year: 2010
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

WHEREAS the beaver population is escalating and they are not being controlled within the Northern Fur Conservation Areas along the forest fringe;

WHEREAS there is no more minimum quota enforced in the Fur Blocks; and

WHEREAS trap leases are not being actively trapped due to the lack of enforcement;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Environment bring back the minimum quota and the enforcement of it;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the province address this issue and offer a bounty on beavers within the Northern Fur Conservation Areas.

Response from Honourable Dustin Duncan, Minister of Environment:    

As noted in response to Resolutions 11-10M, the ministry recognizes that the current depressed market for beaver pelts has had a negative effect on the 2009-10 trapping harvest. There are provisions in regulation to remove inactive trappers (those who have not sold fur in the previous two years) from Northern Fur Conservation Areas to improve the productivity of fur harvest. However, this provision is not generally enforced unless there are specific complaints from trappers who are being excluded or from landowners or rural municipalities in the area.

Conservation officers will continue to work with the appropriate fur block council to ensure that there is adequate harvest of beaver in any Northern Fur Conservation Area within municipal boundaries.