Amendment to SARM Bylaw No. 4 re Point of Privilege Resolutions
Res #: 7-09M
Number: 7
Year: 2009
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Matters Pertaining to SARM
WHEREAS concerns have been raised regarding point of privilege resolutions being dealt with at the end of conventions;
WHEREAS moving resolutions ahead on the convention agenda will help ensure the greatest participation by delegates; and
WHEREAS by reading the operative clause rather than a summary of the resolution, delegates will have a better understanding of the resolution when considering whether it should be dealt with at that convention;
BE IT RESOLVED that Section 5.3 of SARM Bylaw No. 4 be rescinded and replaced with:
5.3 Member municipalities that have missed the deadline for submitting resolutions to an annual or midterm convention may submit resolutions, identified as “point of privilege” resolutions, for the consideration of the delegates. A written copy of a proposed point of privilege resolution shall be given to the convention secretary by the scheduled end of proceedings on the day prior to the last day of the convention. At 9:00 a.m. on the last day of the convention the operative clause of each resolution shall be presented to the delegates to determine if it will be dealt with at that convention. Resolutions receiving the approval of two-thirds of the delegates shall be considered by the delegates during the morning of the last day of the convention.