Agriculture Disaster Assistance
Res #: 22-03A
Number: 22
Year: 2003
Midterm: No
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Resolution 22-03A
WHEREAS, the 2002 Provincial Drought Assistance Program criteria using rainfall data from Environment Canada and Crop Reporter data between the months of April 2002 and July 31, 2002 was unfair; and
WHEREAS, the criteria did not take into consideration the lateness of the rainfall, the hardship and the cost incurred in late winter and spring 2002 by cattle producers due to the 2000-2001 drought, the dry fall, winter and spring of 2002; and
WHEREAS, the continued deficiency in soil moisture, lack of water and feed early in 2002 was responsible for producers further cutting down their herds or entering into grazing and watering contracts for the production year; and
WHEREAS, Saskatchewan needs to develop a long term agriculture disaster plan which is fair and supports the whole of agriculture in all of Saskatchewan;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SARM urge the Province of Saskatchewan to develop a long term agriculture disaster program with SARM playing a more active part with government in the development of an agriculture disaster program for all of Saskatchewan and that SARM be involved in any future planning of agriculture disaster programs.
Response from the Honourable Clay Serby, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization:
The Government of Saskatchewan appreciates the input of SARM on the need for all agricultural programming, including programming to address agricultural disasters caused by weather related events. SARM is represented on the provincial Farm Support Review Committee (FSRC), which provides the Minister with advice of safety net issues. A
s well, SARM has been an active member of the group of farm leaders that has been providing the Minister with advice on APF. As you know, Saskatchewan signed onto the APF Agreement on March 11, 2003. The province is currently engaged in discussions with the federal government on business risk management programming, including disaster protection. We will continue to meet with representative from SARM and other farm organizations to provide an update on the current state of discussions and to seek input for further discussions.