
2% Liquid Strychnine Availability

Res #: 24-01M
Number: 24
Year: 2001
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No

Resolution No. 24-01M

WHEREAS, the emergency registration of 2% liquid strychnine for the year 2001 was approved too late in the year to be able to have a significant impact on gopher population; and

WHEREAS, the demand for this product was obvious as indicated by the tremendous line ups which were formed at the mixing locations to purchase the 2% strychnine;

THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that SARM lobby the Provincial Government to obtain approval to have an emergency registration in place for farmers to be able to access 2% liquid strychnine for March of 2002.

Response from Clay Serby, Minister of Agriculture and Food:

SAF recognizes the importance of having access to fresh strychnine bait early in the spring season. SAF staff met with representatives of the Board of Directors of the SARM on October 17, 2001, to discuss options and develop options and develop a plan for next year's gopher control program. Program timing, bait distribution and availability were discussed. The outcome of these discussions have formed the basis of our application to the PMRA for the full registration of two per cent LSC for the 2002 season.

Our proposed plan for the 2002 Richardson's Ground Squirrel control program will be based on co-operative efforts of SAF, SARM, and the Provincial Council of ADD Boards. It is proposed that the availability of the two per cent LSC for 2002 will be limited to the period of March 1, 2002 to May 31, 2002. However, SAF must first complete all the terms and conditions attached by the PMRA to the emergency registration of two per cent LSC for this past season.

Obtaining positive outcomes on all terms and conditions are critical to the success of any future applications for the reinstatement of two per cent LSC. We expect the proposed program for 2002 will be highly restrictive. Pest Control Officers Regional Pest Control Officer Co-ordinators must mix or supervise the mixing of the concentrate down to the 0.4 per cent level, the same as in all commercial ready-to-use baits. Farmers will not be allowed to take the concentrate back to their operation for use.