Light Pollution Abatement
Res #: 5-22M
Number: 5
Year: 2022
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: Yes
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources
WHEREAS upstream oil and gas developments contribute to light pollution and negatively affect the quality of life for rural residents.
WHEREAS the Ministry of Energy and Resources currently has no requirements for upstream facilities regarding exterior lighting in the review and approval process.
WHEREAS the Saskatchewan Environment Minister has requested the Law Reform Commission to give advice on possible legal mechanisms to abate light pollution. The report concluded that the province could implement light pollution abatement by encouraging municipalities to adopt a model abatement bylaw, or by adopting a provincial minimum standards statute, or both.
BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Ministry of Environment to implement light pollution abatement by creating a model abatement bylaw for municipalities and by adopting a provincial minimum standards statute.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Ministry of Energy and Resources to develop exterior lighting standards for upstream oil and gas facilities.
Responses From: Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources
January 25, 2023
The Ministry of Energy and Resources has reviewed Resolution 5–22M – Light Pollution Abatement to develop exterior lighting standards for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Ministry of Energy and Resources does not have specific requirements for lighting control at oil and gas facilities and plans to engage with regulators in other jurisdictions to review best practices and guidelines for the abatement of excessive lighting.
The Honourable Jim Reiter – Minister of Energy and Resources, Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources