
Emergency Response Costs and Provincial Highways

Res #: 30-13M
Number: 30
Year: 2013
Midterm: Yes
Expired: No
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI)

WHEREAS numerous motor vehicle accidents occur on Provincial Highways each year; and

WHEREAS the costs of emergency response falls on the local fire departments and municipalities; and

WHEREAS Saskatchewan Government Insurance is very strict as to what costs they are willing to cover and for what amount leaving municipalities to pay any shortfall that occurs even though Provincial Highways are not the responsibility or under the jurisdiction of the municipalities;

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby Saskatchewan Government Insurance to cover all costs for emergency response on all Provincial Highways.

Response from Honourable Donna Harpauer

As you are aware, SGI is the first payer for fire department charges for all vehicle losses, including insured and uninsured vehicles in the province.  Payments for fire suppression and rescue/extrication services are based on rates established by SGI in consultation with SARM, the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA), the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs and the Saskatchewan Volunteer Fire Fighters Association.

I am informed by SGI officials that the above associations are invited to submit a proposal to SGI with supporting documentation showing why they believe the rate is inadequate and what they believe the rate should be.  I am advised that, to date, SUMA and SARM have not presented any proposals to SGI showing that the rate paid by SGI is inadequate.


View updated response dated July 6, 2017 from the President of SGI