
Noxious Weeds: Compensation

Res #: 8-12M
Number: 8
Year: 2012
Midterm: Yes
Expired: Yes
Responses Received: No
Departments: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

WHEREAS the Province provides technical assistance to municipalities to identify noxious weeds; and

WHEREAS municipalities are responsible for the costs associated with eradication and/or control of noxious weeds via chemical or biological means; and

WHEREAS municipalities are not compensated for the costs associated with the eradication and/or control of noxious weeds in ditches;

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM lobby the Province to provide financial compensation to rural municipalities to assist with the costs associated with the eradication and/or control of noxious weeds in ditches.

Response from Honourable Lyle Stewart, Minister of Agriculture:

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture has provided funds for a broad range of pest control activities, including weed control, under the Agriculture Fieldworker Policy. Administration of this Policy was assumed by the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM). Since its inception, the funding has increased dramatically to $1M per year. Over time, this funding has become focused on rat control programming.

As noted in the resolution, the Ministry does provide teclmical support to municipalities on weed control issues. The Ministry is currently evaluating how invasive plants or noxious weeds could fit into an overall provincial pest management program; however, no program has been finalized at this time.